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Guide for Running a Food Trailer

A food trailer is a mobile restaurant that can travel to different locations. The idea of the food trailer has been around for decades, and they have only become more popular since the rise of social media such as Twitter and Instagram. Below is a guide that will show you how to start your own food trailer business with some helpful tips and tricks.


What You Serve


With your food truck, you can look into creating different menus depending on the customer’s preferences, especially if you’re starting. If you do this, it’s more accessible to cater to customers who might not like your other menu options.


How to Get the Most Profit Per Person


However, the most critical factor in making money for a food truck business is the menu pricing strategy. You can offer specials to bring people back often and build up anticipation for new dishes. But when it comes down to it, selling at least one item at $10 will be vital in maintaining profitability with an average ticket price of $5 or less. 


How Many Menu Items to Feature


A menu should typically contain 10 to 15 items. One of the reasons for having many items is that it provides customers with a wide variety to choose from and opportunities to sample your food and see what they like. Too few menu items can also be problematic because customers might not find anything that appeals to them and then leave.


How to Run a Food Trailer


Food trailers come in all shapes and sizes, but they typically consist of three main parts: the frame or chassis, the cooking surface, and storage space. The frame comes from welded steel tubing mounted with solid rubber tires or pneumatic tires with tubes. In general, a trailer will have about 2 square feet of cooking surface per person working inside it — so if only one person is working in your trailer, then you’ll have about 4 square feet of cooking space.


Storage is a bit trickier to provide for, but you should try to include as much extra storage as possible — after all, you will need somewhere to keep all those dishes and supplies. This could be a separate crate near the cooker or a compartment under your work surface.


Marketing Strategies


Many food truck businesses are marketing their business on social media. Social media is powerful these days and can help your business grow. Businesses use YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with potential customers. Videos give potential customers a taste of what they can experience at your food truck. Examples include before and after pictures of the truck so you know exactly how it will look when visiting for the first time. Many people would rather watch a video than read an article or blog post, so videos are usually the best way to get quality content for your website.

We ensure that every concession trailer, catering trailer, or hot truck we sell is Federally compliant from day one. California Cart Builders' knowledgeable "Approval Assistance" team can work as a liaison between you and your health department to make sure your unit will pass your local Health codes.

We are the Leading manufacturer for a Mobile Kitchen and High quality concession trailer. If you are looking for hot truck, or commercial catering trailer, and concession trailer you have come to the right place.

Mobile kitchen or Hot Truck are best to Franchise your restaurant.

Some of the Food Trucks and Catering
Trailers we offer