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From Culinary Side Hustle to Food Truck Success in 5 Easy Steps

Owning a food truck can be one of those dreams that people think about but never really take any steps towards making it happen. Why not? The truth is, for many people, that it’s hard to get started because they don’t know how or where to begin. Here’s how to turn your side hustle into a full-fledged food truck in just five easy steps.


Step #1: Determine What You Want to Serve


The first thing that needs to be done is determining the menu. What will your food truck sell? This should be a no-brainer for most people, but there are some who might not know where to start when it comes to their culinary side hustle and turning it into a successful business venture. The best approach is to start with your passion.


Step #2: Do Your Research


The next step is to do some research. Find out what you need in terms of licensing, permits, and other requirements that may be specific to your city or town. While this can seem overwhelming at first, it’s important not to get discouraged because the process doesn’t have to be difficult if you know where to start. A great place to look is your city’s website.


You will also need to research the best locations for your truck. The best place for a food truck is high-traffic areas such as college campuses, office buildings, and other places where there are a lot of people moving around all day. You can also take advantage of events that will draw in large crowds like concerts and sporting events.


Step #3: Find a Truck


Once you have your menu and location, the next step is to find an actual food truck. It’s important that your vehicle fits with what you want to serve so it doesn’t take away from your brand. The best way to find a food truck is by networking and asking around. Many companies that sell trucks will have photos online, which you should look at so you can get an idea of what fits your style the best.


Step #4: Get Your Analytics in Order


The next step is to get your analytics in order so that you have the information needed to grow and scale-up properly when you’re ready for it. This doesn’t mean spending hours on end trying to tweak things but rather knowing what’s important from day one. Having such an understanding will help you spend your time more wisely instead of trying to fix things that don’t matter for the most part.


Step #5: Get Ready, Set, Go


When it comes time to get started with the actual food truck business, there are a few key pieces of advice that can be beneficial in maximizing success and making sure that your mobile business is a success.


The first tip is that you should be constantly marketing and networking. This is one of the keys to succeeding in any kind of food truck business, especially if there’s competition nearby because it means you need to stand out from them as much as possible.


The second tip is that it’s important to have a social media presence, which means having accounts on sites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as other platforms, such as Instagram or Snapchat, if they matter for your business type.




These five steps will help you get started with your food truck business and get on the right track to success. If you’re looking for a way to turn your passion into a full-time career, look no further than starting up a mobile restaurant.

We ensure that every concession trailer, catering trailer, or hot truck we sell is Federally compliant from day one. California Cart Builders' knowledgeable "Approval Assistance" team can work as a liaison between you and your health department to make sure your unit will pass your local Health codes.

We are the Leading manufacturer for a Mobile Kitchen and High quality concession trailer. If you are looking for hot truck, or commercial catering trailer, and concession trailer you have come to the right place.

Mobile kitchen or Hot Truck are best to Franchise your restaurant.

Some of the Food Trucks and Catering
Trailers we offer