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3 Ways to Use Signage to Attract More Customers

If you run a food truck business, understanding how to attract and retain customers needs to be a top priority. Unfortunately, many ambitious food truck owners invest in a quality truck and perfect their products only to realize they don’t know how to build their customers.


This isn’t just discouraging, but it can threaten the longevity of your business. However, a food truck company that masters the art of visibility and customer retention will set its business up for growth and sustainability. 


Today we’re going to discuss how individuals in the food truck business can get more customers with creative signage. 


Mobile Advertising


One thing that’s great about food trucks is mobile advertising. As you ride around, you have an opportunity to reach customers and expand your market.


That being said, owners need to leverage creative signage to communicate their offerings to their target customers. 


The best part is you can have fun and get creative with your signage as long as it’s legible. Don’t be afraid to play around with color, contrast, and size to help advertise your food menu. 


These design elements will enable you to make a statement with your food truck while highlighting your food menu to entice prospective customers. 




The food truck industry is continuously growing. As such, businesses will need to have an established brand to stand out among the competition. Your branding not only helps identify you, but it sets you apart from other food truck businesses riding around.


Creative signage is the perfect opportunity to assert who you are and what your company is all about. Incorporate your logo, use a font that represents your business, and decorate with graphics. Essentially, you want to use signage that reflects the personality of your food truck business. 


Effective branding not only increases the visibility of your food truck, but it creates a memorable experience, which leads to more customers over time. 


Introduce New Food Items and Promotions


The ability to remain innovative is a skill that every business needs. Innovation can create buzz around your company and help you maintain current customers.


With that said, food truck owners benefit from using creative signage to introduce new food items and current promotions. 


Signage is one of the best forms of communication for owners. For this reason, owners should always capitalize on opportunities that allow them to keep customers and potential customers abreast with new changes.


Ultimately, new food items and promotions may encourage first-time customers to give your business a chance. It also keeps loyal customers interested in your business. 


The food truck industry has created many great opportunities for owners. But attracting and retaining customers continues to be a priority. 


One of the best ways for food truck owners to get more customers is by leveraging signage. Creative signage amplifies mobile advertising, strengthens brand identity, and helps owners communicate new food items and promotions. When done correctly, you can develop a food truck business set to thrive.

We ensure that every concession trailer, catering trailer, or hot truck we sell is Federally compliant from day one. California Cart Builders' knowledgeable "Approval Assistance" team can work as a liaison between you and your health department to make sure your unit will pass your local Health codes.

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Some of the Food Trucks and Catering
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